Favorite foods

  • Thread starter Jordan


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We're keeping the Rumble Strip way too on-topic, so here's a question that kind of ties back in to the recipes:  What's your most favorite food to eat?
Mine would definatly have to be fish and chips from the local chip shop. Its hard to beat a good fish supper.

I love fish, especially shrimp.  What kind of fish do you usually get?
I don't think I've ever had either of those.  Maybe cod, once, but I'm not sure.  My favorite food of all time would probably be fettuccini alfredo.  :D
Man...I just know where to find all kinds of stuff, don't I?  :D


LOL, I'll take it that you don't think it looks very tasty?  :)
I've had it in a Japanese restaraunt before (I love Japanese, where they cook it on the table).  They had it in little cubes floating around in soup.  It's kind of like Jello but thicker and not as jiggly, and it doesn't taste like anything.
My favorite food of all time has got to be a Cheese, Mushroom and black olives pizza.  Nuthin better then sittin down with a huge pizza and playin games all night
I don't like olives one bit!!!

Cheese and pepperoni is all you need to make the best pizza.  :smilewinkgrin:
I like vegitarian pizzas the best even though I am not a veggie. Also you can't beat a good barbeque on a summers night.
I don't think I've ever tried a veggie pizza.  What do you get on it?
I don't like mushrooms on pizza.  I don't like mushrooms on anything.

(This thread just gets stranger and stranger...  :rolleyes:)


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