Forza Motorsport Update 7 Out Now: Brands Hatch, Retro Racers, & More

  • Thread starter Famine
No! I have both games.
I haven't touched Forza Motorsport since end of 2023 anymore. GT7 is a much more fulfilling game with the PSVR2 goggles before your eyes and has better driving physics by using a steering wheel.

Nice joke man.

Forza Motorsport is a half arsed, soulless racing game. It’s a massive downgrade in graphical fidelity, complexity of the driving physics and in the amount of variation in events when compared to GT7. I’m not saying GT7 is perfect but, my goodness, how poor is FM in comparison.

I disagree, for me GT7 is very sterile, it follows a precise curve, but if your tastes deviate from this then you are just stuck with what you get. Examples include the lack of good camera views, the 1P views in particular are definitely lacking compared to other titles, no bonnet cam, and very rigid 3P camera even if you adjust it to be as loose as possible. Cars all sound very similar, they bounce off the limiter with the same artificial noise, they just don't have the presence of other titles. The bump and crash physics are also very uncanny, when you hit a wall, the car artificially turns you to help you on your way, and the cars bounce off each other like they are bouncy balls that don't absorb any energy.

All of the above make me feel like GT7 is 'soulless', most of this stuff has been like this since GT4, albeit with improvements, they hit a formula and kudos to them they've stuck to the formula, but IMO Forza 2 and onwards have improved upon the sim-cade genre in ways that GT hasn't bothered to try and replicate or improve. FM has had a very rough start, but I still find myself playing it over GT7 simply because of what I mentioned above taking the immersion out of GT7 so much, which is a shame because the car models and lighting all look fantastic, but that doesn't make up for its shortcomings IMO.
I disagree, for me GT7 is very sterile, it follows a precise curve, but if your tastes deviate from this then you are just stuck with what you get. Examples include the lack of good camera views, the 1P views in particular are definitely lacking compared to other titles, no bonnet cam, and very rigid 3P camera even if you adjust it to be as loose as possible. Cars all sound very similar, they bounce off the limiter with the same artificial noise, they just don't have the presence of other titles. The bump and crash physics are also very uncanny, when you hit a wall, the car artificially turns you to help you on your way, and the cars bounce off each other like they are bouncy balls that don't absorb any energy.

All of the above make me feel like GT7 is 'soulless', most of this stuff has been like this since GT4, albeit with improvements, they hit a formula and kudos to them they've stuck to the formula, but IMO Forza 2 and onwards have improved upon the sim-cade genre in ways that GT hasn't bothered to try and replicate or improve. FM has had a very rough start, but I still find myself playing it over GT7 simply because of what I mentioned above taking the immersion out of GT7 so much, which is a shame because the car models and lighting all look fantastic, but that doesn't make up for its shortcomings IMO.
Let’s just agree to disagree.

I find your criticisms of GT rather bizarre. There is a bonet cam in GT7 and has been there since launch. 3rd person cam has a different implementation and that’s fine (it’s a subjective taste). Secondly, the collision physics in Forza where cars glue together with the slightest graze is stupid as hell but more importantly this should be an afterthought because the racing should be the focus. Similarly the car noises are quite distinct in GT. Maybe not the most realistic but the cars do sound different to the Point you can tell what is a V6, V8 etc.

There’s a lot that’s wrong with this forza. The copy and paste assets from tracks, car models from games as old as FM4 which is clear that it’s just lazy work. Not to forget that the single player events are boring as hell but for me the most agregious is the driving model. They called it the most advanced racing game prior to release and that’s a bold faced lie. Powertrain differences and grip simulations do not hold a candle to GT. FM is understeer galore. That’s the handling model. Of course there are more realistic simulators out there but IMO GT7 trumps the new FM hands down. And this is no console warring just my experience with both games.

Enjoy what you enjoy for sure. Just find there are objective comparisons to be made and which make FM not a quality racing game.
Let’s just agree to disagree.

That's the beauty of it, we can all have differing opinions.

I find your criticisms of GT rather bizarre. There is a bonet cam in GT7 and has been there since launch.

Are you sure? There's a roof cam, which for short sports cars can seem similar height to a bonnet cam, but it's certainly not the same kind of view that GM uses for bonnet cam (or other sims for that matter).

3rd person cam has a different implementation and that’s fine (it’s a subjective taste).

Agreed, it's subjective, and for me it's jarring.

Secondly, the collision physics in Forza where cars glue together with the slightest graze is stupid as hell but more importantly this should be an afterthought because the racing should be the focus.

Why should it be an afterthought? Racing includes collisions, if it didn't we may as well ghost everyone and turn this into a hotlap simulator. For me, the collisions in GT7 break immersion, more so than Forza glue for sure.

Similarly the car noises are quite distinct in GT. Maybe not the most realistic but the cars do sound different to the Point you can tell what is a V6, V8 etc.

Hard disagree here, the algorithm that GT uses makes most cars sound very similar to me, this is amplfied in Roof cam, and even more apparent when cars hit the limiter, especially under braking. Again another aspect I feel GT breaks immersion in my opinion.

There’s a lot that’s wrong with this forza. The copy and paste assets from tracks, car models from games as old as FM4 which is clear that it’s just lazy work. Not to forget that the single player events are boring as hell but for me the most agregious is the driving model. They called it the most advanced racing game prior to release and that’s a bold faced lie. Powertrain differences and grip simulations do not hold a candle to GT. FM is understeer galore. That’s the handling model. Of course there are more realistic simulators out there but IMO GT7 trumps the new FM hands down. And this is no console warring just my experience with both games.

I'm not going to try and defend car models and assets, I agree that T10 dropped the ball in this aspect of the game.
The rest, hard disagree again, the single player events to me are far better than GT7's, the café menu books were the most boring single player career I've ever done in a racing game, certainly not helped by the lackluster AI (that IMO are far worse than Forza AI), I say this having just completed the menu books for a new account over the weekend, so it's certainly fresh in mind.
Say what you want about the handling model, I'm not a trained driver by any stretch, but again to me, the handling in Forza far closer aligns to other sim's that I play on PC. Back to my point of the game adhering to a certain formula, you get the FFB settings PD give you, and you have 2 sliders to adjust, instead FM gives me full control, and I have setup FM to respond very similarly to other sims such as AMS2.

Enjoy what you enjoy for sure. Just find there are objective comparisons to be made and which make FM not a quality racing game.

To me, GT7 doesn't have many of the cars I want to drive in a racing game, for example I'm a big fan of Australian cars, which there are exactly 0 models in GT7, not to mention I can actually drive those Australian car's pretty much any time I want in open class lobbies. Subjectively then, I find FM caters to my interests more so than GT7, but that's not to say you would even care about these same things.

Maybe consider what you find objective comparisons may weigh subjectively with someone else? As I said before, I find GT7 has amazing car models and lighting, but to me this doesn't do enough to sway me towards GT7. You may objectively say GT7 is a more polished game, I don't think anyone would argue with you on that, but to say it's better, I'll disagree everyday.
Are you sure? There's a roof cam, which for short sports cars can seem similar height to a bonnet cam, but it's certainly not the same kind of view that GM uses for bonnet cam (or other sims for that matter).
Actually it differs from car to car in GT7, sometimes it's placed on the roof, sometimes on the bonnet, and sometimes somewhere in-between :)
It's somewhat of a lottery in Gran Turismo to buy a car and find out whether it has camera(s) placed in such a manner it doesn't make driving really hard to enjoy 😄
It applies to Forza too but there you can at least take car for a free test drive before you spend hard-earned cash on it
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It gets increasingly harder for me to take this community seriously when GT7 fanboys casually stroll in to post their obligatory “flOpzA suCKs!!1!1!!1” comment, and then all of the Forza players go over to the GT7 forums to post the same thing
Why don’t you use your time productively, like… Actually playing the ****ing game?
It gets increasingly harder for me to take this community seriously when GT7 fanboys casually stroll in to post their obligatory “flOpzA suCKs!!1!1!!1” comment, and then all of the Forza players go over to the GT7 forums to post the same thing
Why don’t you use your time productively, like… Actually playing the ****ing game?
All of us? I didn't even know this retaliation was even a thing.
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There are positives and negatives for both titles. As someone said, it really just depends on my mood which one I feel like playing.
From a car list perspective, Motorsport wins without trying. The amount of extra brands that are included is insane. GT doesn't have Cadillac, Volvo, Koenigsegg, Holden/HSV to name just a few. It's also rather lacklustre when it comes to specific models in each brand compared to Motorsport with the exception perhaps being the Japanese brands.
However, it does have a nice 'human' element to it with the UI design, car wash, UCD, Hagerty, history of each vehicle etc.
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There are positives and negatives for both titles. As someone said, it really just depends on my mood which one I feel like playing.
From a car list perspective, Motorsport wins without trying. The amount of extra brands that are included is insane. GT doesn't have Cadillac, Volvo, Koenigsegg, Holden/HSV to name just a few. It's also rather lacklustre when it comes to specific models in each brand compared to Motorsport with the exception perhaps being the Japanese brands.
However, it does have a nice 'human' element to it with the UI design, car wash, UCD, Hagerty, history of each vehicle etc.
It makes no sense to me, to have so many brands, but all cars drive similar to the others (understeering). It's just boring to have the same car with more or less power, more or less grip and another body around. That's my feeling to that.
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It makes no sense to me, to have so many brands, but all cars drive similar to the others (understeering). It's just boring to have the same car with more or less power, more or less grip and another body around. That's my feeling to that.

Fine, I personally think there is much more nuance in the cars than just "understeering", part of the experience is also what the car looks like, what they sound like, it's size relative to it's power/weight etc, also being able to build these cars into wildly different machines. Building liveries for these cars based on personal preferences or historical liveries of cars that we watched in years gone by. All these factors make driving many of the especially lesser known cars a joy to drive.

Other than the above, practically speaking I really enjoy taking some of those cars into multiplayer lobbies, being able to jump into an open spec race without having to find a private lobby. If you compare this weeks daily races on GT7.

A: selection of 16 cars to choose from
B: Gr.4
C: Gr.2

Ignoring all the other lobbies in FM, this week you can race in S class or B class, with ballast included, there are hundreds of cars eligible for these races, you could find something above S class, slap heavy ballast and heavy rims on to race it in S class, conversely you could take a Datsun 510 from E class and slap a race motor in it to get it into S class, with all the combinations in between. This flexibility is what I love about Forza Motorsport, no other game out right now can give me this experience of building the car I want and jumping into a scheduled race at my convenience online.
Saw Matra-Simca and would've audibly gasped were I not in public, expecting the MS670. Alas, it's the MS650 aka not one of the Le Mans winners, but you take what you can get. Hope they can do justice to their V12s.
I got bored with GT7 and occasionally load if there is a big update, or log in around my birthday for the free car. At least with FM I log in every week. Last week being the new series I logged in a few time to complete everything.

I like Brands but as has been said I would like to see more of the old tracks make as appearance, maybe Road Atlanta. At this rate they will be releasing a new FM before we see all the potential tracks from previous games!