How many replies can we get??

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Hello Tazz...:(

I've gotta go, but I'll be back later if you wanna talk. Sorry, man :(
I'm back, I was just posting two pictures in the other thread devoted to this topic.
My entire life, I have been able to see the towers. For those of us that commuted, or once commuted to the city it was sort of a majestic greeting for all who entered, much as the statue of liberty must feel to immigrants. The towers represent everything that New York, and much of the country embodies. They represented wealth, power, and defiance of the impossible, and today the impossible happened.
I, like most others, have no cell phone service, as most of the people in my area relied on the transmitter atop the second building to fall for service. I wasn't able to find out until about an hour ago whether or not many of the people I know in the city were alright.
All of the local fire departments are blaring their sirens as they send volunteers into the city for improbable rescue efforts. Luckily my sister was at work when her department left (she's EMT.) Unfortunately her Boyfriend is a new york city policeman and he was called in earlier today. (He was putting a roof on her house until he was called in.)
One thing that noone is talking about is that all of those buildings were built in a time when Asbestos was still in use by the ton (removal efforts have been going on for years, but from what I understand they only removed what they could get to.). All of the dust created by the collapses has sent these particles throughout the city. My high school friend's father died of lung cancer earlier this year, brought on by work in navy shipyards years before. How many people are going to be affected 30 or 40 years from now?
Thats the sad thing Tom..... How are we going to live? The stock market is down so many places have not be able to produce products because of this. So companies where destroyed by the fire. But this is what we will have to wait and see. I know there will be a tradgey in the near future...Probally WWIII. I wish I was old enough to register to fight in it but I am to young. That would be an honor to fight for my country.
how many people are going to sue for some kind of retribution, how much more must be sacrificed before the idiots of the world are dismissed from the human jean pool. What will it take for all life to respect all life.

Humm.... we will wait and see.

How many of you are going to give blood? I can't do much here in Montana, but I can atleast pray and give blood.
Originally posted by Pako

How many of you are going to give blood?

I'm definitely going to give as much blood as possible...

I've got type O negative, and from what I'vew heard it's really rare and they need it badly...:(
Originally posted by Tazz575
Thats the sad thing Tom..... How are we going to live? The stock market is down so many places have not be able to produce products because of this. So companies where destroyed by the fire. But this is what we will have to wait and see. I know there will be a tradgey in the near future...Probally WWIII. I wish I was old enough to register to fight in it but I am to young. That would be an honor to fight for my country.

I was actually thinking the stock market being down was a good thing.
Originally posted by Josh

I'm definitely going to give as much blood as possible...

I've got type O negative, and from what I'vew heard it's really rare and they need it badly...:(

I'm a strep carrier, can't give blood.
O positive is the universal. O negative means you are screwed because all you can ever recieve is your own type (I think)
Originally posted by Tom McDonnell

I'm a strep carrier, can't give blood.
O positive is the universal. O negative means you are screwed because all you can ever recieve is your own type (I think)

My neese is Type O- and is having complications with her unborn right now. If her body detects any other blood, besides her own blood type, the body will begin to reject the baby and thus a miscarage.

It is my understanding that Type o- can only be mixed with type o- blood. No artificial or blood type mixes will work. The body will just reject it.
Very sorry to hear that Pako. I thought that there were drugs that you could take (similar drugs to those used by transplant patients so they don't reject the new organs.)
Originally posted by Tom McDonnell
Very sorry to hear that Pako. I thought that there were drugs that you could take (similar drugs to those used by transplant patients so they don't reject the new organs.)

They are watching her a lot closer now and have given her some shots that are supposed to help.

Hurry up and wait.
Originally posted by Tazz575
Pako you interested in buying a Harley.

OH YEAH!!! That has been a dream of mine since I was just a little fart.
Originally posted by Pako

OH YEAH!!! That has been a dream of mine since I was just a little fart.
For real your interested. My stepdad just happen to have one for sale want to see it
CNN just reported explosions in Afghanistan. It's nightime over there.

Really? Hummm.....let the punishing begin.
Originally posted by Tazz575
For real your interested. My stepdad just happen to have one for sale want to see it


Pic with Price?

Year/model/ any engine mods/.....


CNN just reported explosions in Afghanistan. It's nightime over there.

CNN is seeking confirmation of possible missle attacks...
I can't take watching this stuff anymore, I bought Nascar Heat 2002, Blow, and The big O on DVD. I think I'm going to zone out.
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